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Age : mid 20's
Height : 175 cm
Weight : 65 kg
BMI : 21

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Thigh, Love handle, Hip line
Liposuction : 5,200cc
Fat graft : 오른쪽:170cc,왼쪽:160cc
Abdominoplasty :

허벅지지방흡입과 힙딥 지방이식으로 뒤태까지 변화시키기

최근의 몸매 트렌드는 뼈만 남기는 마른 몸매보다 비율과 라인이 예쁜 라인을 추구하는 경향이 두드러지는데요.  특히, 사이즈를 줄이는 데 성공하더라도 탄탄하고 건강한 느낌을 선호하는 분들이라면, 볼륨감이 부족한 몸매에 대해 콤플렉스를 느끼기도 합니다.특히 빈약한 골반과 같은 부위가 대표적입니다. 운동만으로, 볼륨감이 부족한 골반(고관절) 부위의 라인을 만든다는 것은 시간이 걸릴 뿐만 아니라, 만족스러운 모양을 완성하기에는 한계가 있는 것이 사실인데요. 때문에, 운동을 통해만든 몸매 라인에 충분히 만족하지 못하거나, 원하는 라인이 나오지 않는다면고관절지방이식과 같은 방법을 고려해볼 수 있을 것입니다.고관절지방이식은 복부나 허벅지 등의 부위에서 지방을 채취하여, 볼륨감이 부족한 옆 골반에서 뒤쪽 힙라인까지의 부위에 이식하여, 골반과 힙…

#Fat type #Love handles #BMIbelow30(Abs) #Hip fat graft




Age : early 30's
Height : 161 cm
Weight : 55 kg
BMI : 21

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Arm, Axillary breast, Scapula area, Bra line
Liposuction : 3,100cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Create a slim and elastic arm line!

Today, we introduce a patient who underwent liposuction on her arms.The photo below shows the results before the final surgical outcome, but you can see how the body shape that appeared large has become slimmer.Let's check how the change occurred using comparison photos.[Patient Information]Age: Early 30sOccupation: Company employeeHeight: 161cmWeight: 55kgBMI: 21*Results of liposuction may vary for individuals with similar specifications.The patient gained about 3kg before surgery and was parti…

#BMIbelow30(Arm) #Axilla




Age : early 20's
Height : 157 cm
Weight : 52 kg
BMI : 21

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Arm
Liposuction : 1,800cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

For a dramatic change with arms liposuction

Today, I'd like to introduce a patient who achieved a dramatic change through liposuction.Let's examine the comparative photos to see what kind of surgical results were obtained.[Patient Information]Age: Early 20sOccupation: Office workerHeight: 157cmWeight: 52kgBMI: 21*Results of liposuction may vary for individuals with similar specifications.This patient was stressed about her arms making her shoulders appear wider.The conslutation indicated that:1. The arms had little muscle and a lot of fat…






Age : late 20's
Height : 155 cm
Weight : 56 kg
BMI : 23

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Arm, Axilla, Scapula area
Liposuction : 1,500cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Is it possible to straighten arms with developed muscles?

Today we introduce a patient who underwent liposuction on her arms. Let's examine what changes arm liposuction brought about, especially considering how it compensated for the prominent deltoid muscles.[Patient Information]Age: Late 20sOccupation: Office workerHeight: 155cmWeight: 56kgBMI: 23*Results of liposuction may vary for individuals with similar specifications.The patient's weight had been increasing over the past 4 years, and she had been dieting through exercise.However, the fat on…

#BMIbelow30(Arm) #Axilla




Age : late 20's
Height : 177 cm
Weight : 70 kg
BMI : 22

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Arm, Axillary breast, Axilla
Liposuction : 2,500cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Liposuction for Slender Upper Arms

Today we introduce a patient who underwent liposuction on their upper arms.The surgery resolved the concern of upper arm lines that made her physique appear larger.Let's examine how it changed through the photos.[Patient Information]Age: Late 20sOccupation: Specialized professionHeight: 177cmWeight: 70kgBMI: 22*Results of liposuction may vary for individuals with similar specifications.This patient is taller than the average height for women and was stressed due to the fat on their upper arms ma…

#BMIbelow30(Arm) #Axilla




Age : early 30's
Height : 159 cm
Weight : 54 kg
BMI : 21

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Thigh, Hip line
Liposuction : 5,300cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Overcoming Lower Body Obesity with Liposuction

Liposuction needs to be performed considering various factors such as individual bone structure, muscle mass, muscle shape, fat volume, and skin elasticity.Today, we'll introduce a case where thigh liposuction successfully improved leg contours.[Patient Information]Age: Early 30sOccupation: Office workerHeight: 159cmWeight: 54kgBMI: 21*Results of liposuction may vary for individuals with similar specifications.This patient, who was troubled by lower body obesity, had been taking weight loss pill…

#BMIbelow30(thigh) #Hip




Age : mid 20's
Height : 162 cm
Weight : 55 kg
BMI : 21

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Thigh gap, Lateral thigh, Medial knee
Liposuction : 3,300cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Creating Smooth Leg Lines

Liposuction is one of the delicate surgeries performed using a doctor's fingertip sensitivity and knowledge of human anatomy. In case of revision surgery, the difficulty increases compared to the initial surgery due to adhesions around the fat layer.Similarly, if fat dissolving injections have been administered several times, the difficulty of surgery increases as it alters the morphology of fatty tissue.By informing us of any past surgeries or treatments before the operation, we can achieve mor…

#BMIbelow30(thigh) #Reoperation




Age : early 30's
Height : 160 cm
Weight : 59 kg
BMI : 23

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Arm, Axillay breast, Axilla
Liposuction : 2,300cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Is liposuction ineffective for muscular arms?

In the case of liposuction, even with the same height and weight information, there are individual differences in fat content and results. Therefore, it is necessary to have a detailed consultation before undergoing liposuction surgery.The patient we're introducing today had been dieting through muscle training, but there was no change in size and rather an increase in weight.[Patient Information]Age: Early 30sOccupation: Office workerHeight: 160cmWeight: 59kgBMI: 23*Results of liposuction may v…






Age : late 20's
Height : 166 cm
Weight : 62 kg
BMI : 22

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Thigh, Hip line
Liposuction : 6700cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Liposuction to Change Lower Body Fat in a Short Period

The patient we're introducing today was troubled by fat-heavy thighs. She gained 7kg in a year and decided to undergo liposuction.[Patient Information]Age: Late 20sOccupation: Office workerHeight: 166cmWeight: 62kgBMI: 22*Results of liposuction may vary for individuals with similar specifications.Her body type had excessive lower body fat, disproportionate to the upper body.She attempted weight loss multiple times, but the thighs that wouldn't easily slim down were a source of insecurity. T…

#BMIbelow30(thigh) #Hip