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Age : late 30's
Height : 160 cm
Weight : 52 kg
BMI : 21

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Arm, Abdomen, Thigh
Liposuction : 8300cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Revision Surgery for Full-Body Liposuction Based on Professi…

Many patients visiting our clinic for liposuction aim to target multiple areas simultaneously and remove as much fat as possible. However,  liposuction requires careful consideration due to the potential stress it can place on the body.During liposuction surgery, it's crucial to assess factors such as the volume of fat to be removed, bleeding tendencies, anesthesia duration, and other factors that could affect the patient's condition. This ensures safe and effective liposuction.Today, let's look…

#BMIbelow30(thigh) #BMIbelow30(Arm) #BMIbelow30(Abs) #Thigh #Arm #Abdomen #Axilla




Age : early 30's
Height : 153 cm
Weight : 47 kg
BMI : 20

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Arm, Axilla
Liposuction : 1500cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Improving the Back Side of the Arms with Revision Surgery

Many people considering liposuction inquire about the resulting scars. The exact location and number of incisions are explained in detail during the consultation. The incisions for liposuction are small and strategically placed to minimize visibility. Protectors are used to reduce their appearance as much as possible. However, incisions are necessary for the procedure.This patient, who had previously undergone arm liposuction and experienced weight gain, consulted us for revision surgery.[P…

#BMIbelow30(Arm) #Arm




Age : early 20's
Height : 158 cm
Weight : 64 kg
BMI : 25

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Thigh, Hip line
Liposuction : 4900cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Creating Thigh Gaps with Liposuction

As temperatures rise and clothing becomes lighter, the number of inquiries about liposuction increases, particularly for the thighs. At our clinic, many patients seek a straight body line with a thigh gap. We design our procedures by considering each individual's bone structure, muscle shape, skin elasticity, and fat volume to achieve a balanced and satisfying transformation.[Patient Information]- Age: Early 20s- Occupation: University student- Height: 158cm- Weight: 64kg- BMI: 25*Results o…

#BMIbelow30(thigh) #Hip




Age : early 40's
Height : 168 cm
Weight : 59 kg
BMI : 21

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Arm, Axillary breast, Axilla, Scapula area, Buffalo hump, Bra line
Liposuction : 2800cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Considering Revision for Arms: Can They Become Slim Again?

Among the patients visiting our clinic, there are many who are not satisfied with their initial liposuction results or have experienced weight rebound, leading them to seek a revision. Today, we introduce a case study of a patient who underwent a re-liposuction on arms.[Patient Information]- Age: Early 40s- Occupation: Office worker- Height: 168cm- Weight: 59kg- BMI: 21*Results of liposuction may vary for individuals with similar specifications.This patient underwent arm and axillary breast…

#BMIbelow30(Arm) #Arm #Etc #Axilla




Age : late 20's
Height : 163 cm
Weight : 54 kg
BMI : 20

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Thigh gap, Medial knee, Lateral thigh
Liposuction : 2300cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Creating Straight Leg Lines with Synergic areas Liposuction

This patient was experiencing stress due to excess fat in her thighs, particularly in the outer thighs, inner thighs, and medial knees.[Patient Information]Age: Late 20sOccupation: Office workerHeight: 163cmWeight: 54kgBMI: 20*Results of liposuction may vary for individuals with similar specifications.The patient gained over 10kg during her student years and was particularly concerned about the fat that accumulated on her thighs. The consultation indicated:1. Good skin elasticity2. Potentia…





Age : early 30's
Height : 155 cm
Weight : 54 kg
BMI : 22

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : 팔, 부유방, 겨드랑이 Arm, Axillary breat, Axilla
Liposuction : 1350cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

Liposuction Transforms Arms to Look Great in Sleeveless Tops…

Liposuction is a surgery that directly removes fat cells, resulting in size reduction and improved body lines.It's important to check the body type through pre-surgery consultations and perform the surgery with a plan tailored to each individual's needs.The patient we're introducing today was particularly concerned about her thick arms.Liposuction was performed on the axillary breast and axilla, resulting in straighter lines.[Patient Information]Age: Early 30sHeight: 155cmWeight: 54kgBMI: 22*Res…

#BMIbelow30(Arm) #Axilla




Age : early 30's
Height : 160 cm
Weight : 64 kg
BMI : 25

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Arm, Axillary breasrt, Axilla, Abdomen, Pubic area,
Liposuction : 6700cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

신체 밸런스를 고려한 대용량 상체 지방흡입 전후비교

건강한 삶을 위해, 뱃살빼기 다이어트를 시도하는 고도비만 환자분들의 경우, 식단과 운동으로 다이어트를 시도하더라도, 습관교정에 어려움을 겪어, 폭식과 절식을 반복, 결국, 다이어트 실패로 돌아가는 상황을 많이 겪어보셨을 텐데요.때문에, 스스로의 노력만으로, 체형변화를 느끼기 어렵다 판단하시고,지방흡입을 위해 성형외과를 찾아오시는 환자분들이 많이 있습니다. 이런 환자분들을 상담하다보면 최대한, 많은 양의 지방흡입(대용량 지방흡입)을 선호하는 것을 알 수 있는데요.그러나, 신체 밸런스와 수술이 가능한 건강상태인지 확인하는적합도 검사를 진행하지 않고, 지방흡입 수술을 진행하게 된다면, 지방흡입 후, 건강 상의 무리뿐만 아니라 외형 상으로도 피부 표면의 패임이나, 불균형한 모양 등의 불 만족스러운 결과를 얻게 될 가능성이 높아질 수 있습니다.따라서, 수술 전, 환자분의 건강상태를 확인하고,…

#BMIbelow30(Arm) #Lower abdomen #Upper abdomen #Axilla #Accessory breast #Pubic area




Age : early 30's
Height : 155 cm
Weight : 54 kg
BMI : 22

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : Thigh, Hip line
Liposuction : 4,400cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

X자다리(엑스자 다리) 지방흡입 전후 비교

허벅지 지방흡입을 선택하시는 분들 중에는 타고난 다리 골격의 형태로 인해 수술 결과의 한계점을 어느정도 가질 수밖에 없는 분들이 계신데요.  일자로 쭉 뻗은 다리를 꿈꾸는 분들이 많다 보니 이러한 경우 상대적인 밸런스와 시각적 효과까지 고려한 허벅지지방흡입 수술을 계획하는 것이 무척 중요하게 됩니다.특히 엑스자 다리(X자 교합), 혹은 오자다리(O다리) 체형과 같은 특징을 가지신 분들은 수술 후 최대한 결점은 보완하면서 예쁜 다리라인으로 변화되는 결과를 얻기 위해 아무래도 유사한 케이스에 대한 경험치가 높은 의료진에게 상담과 수술을 받는 것이 중요할 수밖에 없을 것입니다. 이는 예쁘고 날씬한 다리라인으로 변화되기 위해, 무조건, 대용량의 허벅지 지방흡입을 진행하는 것이 아닌, 엑스자 다리, 오다리와 같은 특징적인 다리의 모양,그리고 근육형 …





Age : late 20's
Height : 160 cm
Weight : 52 kg
BMI : 20

Surgery site & amount

Surgical site : abdomen
Liposuction : 3,300cc
Fat graft :
Abdominoplasty :

반복적인 뱃살빼기 복부지방흡입으로 관리하기

인터넷 검색창에 ‘뱃살빼는법’ 검색을 시작으로, 본격적인 여름준비를 경험해 보신 분이라면, 단 기간, 살을 빼는 일이 얼마나 어렵고, 고된 일인지 아실텐데요. 극단적인 식이제한 다이어트와 고강도 유산소를 병행하며, 뱃살제거에 성공했다 하더라도, 칼로리제한 다이어트의 경우, 요요현상으로 인해, 다시, 살이 찌기쉬운 상태로 돌아가는 상태를 반복하며, 피부탄력이 저하되는 결과를 초래할 수 있어, 주의가 필요합니다.이와 같이, 식이요법만으로, 어려웠던뱃살다이어트를 빠르게 성공하기 위해복부지방흡을 선택하는 분들도 계신데요.복부지방흡입은 복부지방 세포를직접적으로 흡입하여 제거할 수 있는 수술로,단 기간, 눈에 띄는 사이즈 감소 효과를 얻을 수 있지만, 내장지방의 경우, 지방흡입으로 제거가 어렵기 때문에 복부지방흡입 후, 식단관리와 유산…

#Lower abdomen #Upper abdomen