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Cases finding similar to my profile

Follow-up care needs to be done
longer than operation time

Follow-up care needs to be done
longer than operation time

The final result of liposuction cannot be completed in a day.
The operation is over in a few hours, but with optimal recovery cares for each period
we can then achieve the best final beautiful line.
So post operative care needs to be done properly.

Self-care kit for immediate
after surgery

As much as the professional management conducted in
the hospital, Self-care at home is also very important for
optimal recovery. Lesarts’ self-care recovery kit include,
sterilizing sticks, bandages, anti-bruising cream and scar
preventive gel which are essential after surgery treatment

※ Step-by-step delivery status

swelling, and inflammation control

The Hilite laser is a contactless light laser done at the
surgical site. It helps to calm down the skin and soft
tissue which are injured by surgery.
It also help to manage swelling and early-inflammation.

Manage clumping, elasticity, and
swelling from 2 weeks after surgery

Massage with Radiofrequency from 2 weeks
after surgery helps. Patient’s ideal healing by
stimulating blood flow and lymphatic drainage.
It also helps to stimulate collagen regeneration.

Diet management from 2 months
after surgery

To give you the best results of surgery, Visit the Lesarts
Slim Center. Essential examinations are conducted for
medical treatment and diet counseling by a specialist
and prescriptions are provided if necessary.

Finishing care from 5 months after surgery

5months after surgery, fine line correction is required as it approaches
to the stabilization stage. A balance injection, a booster shot of Lesarts
is performed on necessary areas. In addition, if the recovery of scars and
pigmentation is slow, the toning laser,
Fraxel laser and CO2 laser provide optimal scar treatment.

Until the final result after surgery.
We check thoroughly.

only At Lesarts