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Improving Sagging Abdominal Skin with Abdominoplasty


Irregular eating habits and lifestyle choices can lead to the accumulation of both subcutaneous fat and unnecessary visceral fat, which often threaten one's health. So for modern individuals, dieting has become a routine part of daily life. However, even with proper weight management, sagging skin due to loss of elasticity can be a significant concern.

Women who have experienced severe obesity or gone through pregnancy and childbirth frequently face this stress. Once stretched, the skin and the abdominal wall beneath it can be difficult to restore through high-intensity exercise and diet control alone.

One solution for individuals unable to improve sagging abdominal skin through self-care is abdominoplasty. This surgical procedure addresses sagging abdominal skin that has lost its elasticity and even corrects the sagging abdominal wall, which is often hidden beneath the skin.

In cases of severe obesity or prolonged abdominal volume increase due to pregnancy, the skin and abdominal wall (rectus abdominis) do not return to their original state after size reduction, losing elasticity and sagging downward due to gravity. Abdominoplasty surgically removes the stretched skin and tightens the rectus abdominis, restoring firmness and elasticity. Depending on the patient's needs, the procedure can also include liposuction and navel reshaping, creating a comprehensive surgical plan to achieve the ideal abdominal shape.

However, it's important to note that abdominoplasty involves a large surgical area, and the recovery period for scars to fade is longer compared to other cosmetic surgeries. Before surgery, it is crucial to develop a surgical plan considering the patient's skin type, elasticity, degree of sagging, and body shape. Thorough consultation with experienced medical professionals is essential to achieve satisfactory body contours.

Dr. Lee kukhan of Lesarts plastic surgery emphasizes, “Abdominoplasty is not just about uniformly excising sagging abdominal skin. It’s crucial to meticulously address each detail, from checking the degree of rectus abdominis separation via endoscopy, performing a triple lock on the rectus abdominis, triple-layer suturing of the skin, to using minimal incisions with inside stitches.” He advises, “To minimize scarring, it’s important to have thorough consultations with experienced medical professionals and to fully understand the post-surgical care process before deciding on surgery, which can greatly enhance the satisfaction with the abdominoplasty.”

Source: MediConsumer News (http://www.medisobizanews.com)